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Dr. Sarah L. Dodge and Dr. Kristian Johnson met at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa.  They were married following graduation and opened Life in Balance Family Chiropractic in March 2013.  Outside of the office, their hobbies include riding motorcycles, gardening, hiking, fishing, snowboarding, kayaking and camping. They live in Carnation with their Australian Cattle Dog (Ella), indoor Siamese cats (Luna & Yoshi), outdoor cats (Lucy, Xena & Scruffy), curly hair tarantula (Princess Peach), blue death feigning beetles (Bubbles, Buttercup and Blossom) AND chickens (Marjie, Buffy, Stephanie & Cinnamon Queen)! 

Dr. Sarah L. Dodge DC CACCP 

Dr. Dodge has a passion for working with pregnant patients and children. Her youngest patient was 2 days old!  Dr. Dodge has been Webster Certified since 2018, to better serve pregnant patients who are preparing for safer and easier birth outcomes. Webster certified doctors are taught gentle adjusting techniques, individual case management systems and evidence-informed practice to best care for pregnant patients. In addition to this, doctors are given an in-depth view of birth and are provided with the necessary skills and resources to support women who want safer natural births. 

Dr. Dodge has a certification granted by the Certification by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics (CACCP) in the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association’s (ICPA) renowned Certification Program since 2020. The ICPA offers Doctors of Chiropractic an opportunity to achieve certification in family wellness chiropractic through advanced academics and clinical studies. The 200-hour curriculum provides the doctor with techniques and protocols of care for children and pregnant women. The 16-module program covers advanced levels of training and expertise, additional to what is offered in chiropractic colleges.  By being certified, Dr. Dodge is recognized for her completion of ICPA’s 16 classroom modules taught by today’s leading authorities in family chiropractic, and in-office Practice-Based Research Network project, which substantiate both practical and evidence-informed clinical competencies. To find an ICPA chiropractor near you:

“Checking a pediatric patient for subluxations, or misalignments in the spine, is very different than checking an adult. The amount of pressure used during a pediatric adjustment is the equivalent of checking a tomato for ripeness. My focus when working with my patients, regardless of age, is optimum function and health for that individual.” Dr. Dodge shares.

Dr. Dodge grew up in northern Wisconsin, and attended Northern Michigan University for her pre-chiropractic coursework.  She then earned her Bachelors of Science degree as well as her Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa in 2012.  Dr. Dodge also plays the fiddle and teaches a fitness drumming exercise class called POUND.



Dr. Kristian Johnson DC

Dr. Johnson is the "nutrition and soft-tissue doc" at Life in Balance Family Chiropractic. He has additional training in muscle testing and applied kinesiology and working towards a certification through Quintessential Applications. He also incorporates whole-food and herbal supplements to ensure optimal health status for his patients. Dr. Johnson is a 3rd generation chiropractor!

Dr. Johnson grew up in Duvall, Washington.  He attended Bellevue Massage School and became a licensed massage practitioner.  He continued on to earn his Associates degree in Arts and Science from Bellevue Community College. He then attended Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, where he graduated summa cum laude with his Doctorate of Chiropractic degree. While at Palmer he also earned his Bachelors of Science degree from Excelsior College.

Ella, Office Dog


Ella is our office dog at Life in Balance Family Chiropractic. She is an Australian Cattle Dog. She enjoys playing tug-of-war with patients, frisbee, hiking, chasing deer out of her yard and herding her other cat & chicken 'siblings'. 


© Life in Balance Family Chiropractic, PLLC 

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